Increasing accessibility to evidence-based mental health care and training

Who We Are:

The Boston Child Study Center Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to improving access to evidence-based youth mental healthcare, expanding the training of future clinicians, and improving clinical outcomes through innovative research with the overarching goal of helping families to thrive.

By The Numbers:

1 in 6 U.S. children

between the ages of

6 and 17

has a treatable mental health disorder

Only 13% of children from

diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds

with mental health problems

receive mental health services, as compared to

31% of white children.

In 2020, suicide was the

cause of death among those aged

10-24 and 25-34

What We Do:

Training Scholarships

High quality training for BIPOC clinicians in state of the art, evidence-based care.


Research programs dedicated to improving evidence-based interventions and clinical outcomes for youth and families.

Community Engagement

Community talks, workshops and consultation for educators, families and mental health providers within the greater Boston area.

Treatment Scholarships

Need-based mental health treatment scholarships for eligible youth and families for evidence-based treatment.

Our Values:


We train the next generation of professionals in the most up-to-date, empirically supported treatments and assessments. 


We are exceptionally trained to provide clinical care, supervise trainees and collect data to better our field.


We value the views of the communities we serve and seek to integrate this into the work we do.


We use a variety of mechanisms to deliver services and that innovation is evident in our research priorities.


We utilize evidence-based treatments and assessments in the ways they were designed. 


We are dedicated to improving the lives of each of the families we serve.