About Us:

At the BCSC Foundation, we seek to break down these barriers through a combination of direct service, training, research and community engagement. Specifically the BCSC Foundation will provide:

  • Need-based scholarships for youth mental healthcare

  • High quality training for BIPOC (Black, Indiginous and People of Color) clinicians in state of the art, evidence-based care

  • Community outreach in the form of talks, workshops and consultation for educators, families and mental health providers within the greater Boston area

  • Research programs dedicated to improving evidence-based interventions and clinical outcomes for youth and families

Our Mission:

  • We provide mental health treatment scholarships for children and adolescents to receive evidence-based care that their families are unable to financially support. These scholarships support a variety of services, including but not limited to:

    • Inpatient, partial-hospitalization or residential care for high-risk patients

    • Evidence-based outpatient therapy (e.g., Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Dialectical Behavior Therapy; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; Parent-Child Interaction Therapy)

    • Diagnostic Services (e.g., neuropsychological testing; psychodiagnostic testing and consultation)

    • Family therapy and parental support

  • We provide training opportunities to undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students within mental health, with the goal of 1) decreasing financial barriers to becoming a certified mental health provider, and 2) increasing access to high-quality, evidence-based training for mental health providers. Specifically, the BCSC Foundation seeks to:

    • Fund postgraduate fellows and predoctoral trainees who have an interest in working with underserved and hard-to-reach populations. Funds will pay for external training opportunities in evidence-based community mental healthcare, educational conference attendance and will subsidize the salaries of any post-graduate trainee providing pro-bono treatment or consultation within the community. 

    • Offer scholarships to eligible masters/doctoral candidates to help offset the costs of graduate education for individuals in the BIPOC community with demonstrated financial need.

    • Offer scholarships to undergraduate students within the BIPOC community to obtain externships within mental healthcare, and to reduce early educational barriers to seeking a career as a certified mental health provider.

    • To train new mental health clinicians in evidence-based treatment in an effort to prevent youth from needing more expensive, hospital-based services in the first place. We will be dedicating our formal post-doctoral fellowship training program in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to the late Dr. William Shumate, a friend and colleague whose unmatched passion for supervision and training has inspired us all to share the wisdom he embodied throughout his life and career. 

    Training will include a variety of empirically supported, evidence-based treatments and assessments. The values underlying the BCSC Foundation emphasize the application of scientific knowledge and scholarly inquiry to the clinical practice of psychology, grounded in the belief that clinical practice must evolve through integrating the most current and evidence-based research practices. 

  • We provide consultation and training within our larger community to disseminate best practices backed by research to parents, schools, students and paraprofessionals. We seek to provide training for:

    • Grade school students and staff

    • University faculty, staff and students

    • Pediatricians and primary care medical staff 

    • Community Program officers for youth and families

  • Our goal is to conduct innovative and impactful research that can have direct clinical applications both within our profession and within the larger community. Specifically, our program of research seeks to: 

    • Evaluate barriers to mental health access

    • Better understand mediators of clinical outcomes of mental health treatment 

    • Evaluate outcomes of treatments that have been adapted to meet the needs of individuals with non-majority sexual, racial and ethnic identities 

Our Work:

Our Values:


We train the next generation of professionals in the most up-to-date, empirically supported treatments and assessments.


We are exceptionally trained to provide clinical care, supervise trainees and collect data to better our field.


We value the views of the communities we serve and seek to integrate this into the work we do.


We use a variety of mechanisms to deliver services and that innovation is evident in our research priorities.


We utilize evidence-based treatments and assessments in the ways they were designed. 


We are dedicated to improving the lives of the families we serve.